When you are finished your event and are ready to lodge your funds there are a few ways you can do this. Please see below and choose which way suits you best.


Click on the Donate button on the top right side of the screen or the link below. Then click ‘once off donation’. Thank you!

Donate Now

Bank Lodgement

Lodge directly into our bank account:
Bank name: AIB
Bank address: Clonmel, Co Tipperary
IBAN: IE41 AIBK9353 7918 7374 94
Bank Identifier Code / Swift: AIBKIE2D
(Please use your name and event as reference)

By cheque/postal order

Send a cheque, postal order or bank draft made payable to ’ChildVision’ to: ChildVision, Grace Park Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9, Ireland.

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