
To learn more and be part of the vision click here
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Enabling hope.
Envisioning possibilities.

Envisioning possibilities for children and families
facing complex disability and sight loss.

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Richard's Story

"ChildVision gave us
our family back."

- Brigid Richards’ mum.

“It was like a jigsaw and none of the pieces were
fitting together. When he came to ChildVision, they fitted.”
- Brigid, Richard’s mum

Read his story
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Freya's Story

"ChildVision have such warm
hearts that help you find a way"

Sara – Freya’s mum

"When despair is stopping everything else, ChildVision
are like a family with such expertise and warm hearts
that help you find a way.”
- Sara, Freya’s mum

Read her story
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Georgia's Story

"Georgia has blossomed,
the work here is immense."

George - Georgia’s Grandad

"She senses her pathways in familiar and unfamiliar surroundings...
I put all of it down to ChildVision – firmly in my heart – and the people
who donate to make it possible.”
- George, Georgia’s grandad

Read her story
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Support ChildVision

Just because we can’t see the stars
doesn’t mean we can’t reach for them.

Just because our children can’t see the stars,
doesn’t mean they can’t reach for them.


Creating a National Equine Assisted Therapy Centre

ChildVision are delighted to announce that a much-needed new indoor equine therapeutic centre, named in memory of Jack de Bromhead, will be built this year as a result of generous donations from a group of family and friends of the De Bromhead family.

Find out more
Two photos of a boy with horse, one on horseback and one of him kissing the horse.

At ChildVision, we look beyond the challenges faced every day by children and young people with visual impairment and complex disabilities.

We help families find heartfelt connection, a new pathway, and to see the potential for their children and young people. We believe every child should have every opportunity to live their very brightest future.

Find out more

What we do

Our students learn how to cope with a noisy, busy world. Step-by-step, day-by-day every child at ChildVision is discovering new things they can achieve and do.

Community Services Programme

ChildVision were successful in a grant application to the Community Services Programme in December 2023. This is a much sought after fund, managed by Pobal and supported by the Department of Rural and Community Development. It will allow CanDo Enterprises to recruit a social enterprise manager and to create paid positions for people with vision impairment. These positions will be broken down into five or six part-time jobs so that we can support as many people as possible to enter the labour force.

There are specific milestones attached to the grant that include a undertaking a training needs analysis, providing accredited training as well as enterprise specific milestones, to increase our retailer network, install a refilling station and engage in business supports provided by Pobal.

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