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We commit to all donors that we operate to, and adhere to, the highest levels of governance, transparency and accountability. We have adopted the Charities Regulator Charities Governance Code. We are fully compliant with Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public. We have adopted the Charities SORP (FRS 102). We are Triple Locked. We comply with the Charities Act and are registered with the Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA), Ireland’s national statutory regulatory agency for charitable organisations. We regularly review our arrangements to ensure we are fulfilling our commitment to best practice in our governance and transparency.
The services provided by ChildVision cannot be judged in financial terms alone. The true measure of such services can be gauged in human terms – the extent to which they contribute to the wellbeing of those whom we serve. Human qualities such as happiness, contentment, security, future prospects, enablement, respect and dignity are not reflected in financial reports and statements.
Each year our accounts are audited by Crowe Howarth to ensure accuracy and consistency in our reporting. Each quarter our finances are reviewed by our Finance Committee. RSM are our internal auditor. Their work is reviewed at quarterly by our Audit and Compliance Committee. Each month our finances are reviewed by our Audit Committee. The HSE and HIQUA inspect our Finance & Administration, Child Protection Policy, Risk Management and Security on an annual basis.
The ChildVision Board of Trustees is a voluntary group of dedicated volunteers who give their time to ensure the objectives of the organisation are carried out. They comprise of diverse professionals who are leaders in their field.
Shane Cowley (Chairperson)
Fr. Joseph O’Reilly
Michael Monaghan
Sr. Marian Harte
Maureen Mulligan
Maureen Winston
Vincent Keenan
Ray Bowe
Raffaella Bonomonte
Company Secretary: L&P Trustee Services Ltd.
Members of the Board meet at least six times a year. It has 5 standing committees: Finance; Audit and Compliance; Development; Governance and Quality and Assurance.
ChildVision’s income comes from three principal sources, the Health Service Authority (HSE), the Department of Education & Skills and through fundraising.
We also continue to expand and promote our social enterprise ventures on campus.
We strive to make a lasting impact with these funds, ensuring each child benefits to maximum capacity while minimizing our overheads.
Our work is guided by the following codes and polices which we strictly adhere to.
The Board of ChildVision have adopted the Charities Regulator Governance Code
Túsla’s Children First Policy is central to all our work at ChildVision.
The Charities Regulator Fundraising Guidelines ensures that all of our public fundraising is achieved in an honest and transparent manner.