Ways to get involved

Corporate Partnership

ChildVision wants to hear from corporates or individuals who are interested in forming partnerships to deliver our mission.

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Organise your own Event

Got an idea for your own fundraising event? We can help you organise your own event!

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School Fundraising

Find out how your crèche, school, or college can help make a difference to ChildVision.

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Take part in an event!

Take part in a ChildVision event and raise funds for children with sight loss and complex needs.

There are lots of events happening around the country you can sign up to and fundraise for ChildVision, on your own or with friends.

See our event listing
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Support for your fundraiser


Download and print a range of handy fundraising resources to support your event.

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Fundraising FAQ

Check out our fundraising FAQs to help with any unanswered questions that you may have.

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We're here to help

We have lots of great ideas to help you fundraise for ChildVision and are more than happy to help you raise money in a way that suits you best!

Give us a call on 01 837 3635
Send us an email fundraising@childvision.ie
Or get in touch by using our contact form.

Contact Us